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C$0After unlocking, you'll have 11 months 25 days to start watching. Once you begin, you'll have 72 hours to finish watching. Need help?
- Click "Unlock for Free", follow the steps if not logged in, then "Watch Now" to test.
- Note: You will receive a confirmation email labeled "Device Compatibility" order confirmation - My Account. This can be used to verify that you are receiving emails from our system.
Testing Roku or Apple TV devices
- Find directions to download the Eventive TV app by clicking on "Need Help?" above.
- Once installed, go to "My Content" in the app to access the Device Compatibility test video.
- Looking for our FAQ? Click on "Need Help?" above. On mobile, click the 3 bars, then "Help".
- This page is for testing your devices. The Unlock and Watch windows are independent of any screenings(s) you've unlocked.
- This page is NOT a confirmation of any previous unlocks/purchases you've made.
- You can visit your Content Library to verify current and previous unlocks (purchases) when logged into your account: https://watch.banffcentre.ca/me.
- DirectorVideo by Dorin Popa from Pixabay
- MusicShipping Lanes by Chad Crouch Copy link
1 film in package
C$0After unlocking, you'll have 11 months 25 days to start watching. Once you begin, you'll have 72 hours to finish watching. Need help?
- Click "Unlock for Free", follow the steps if not logged in, then "Watch Now" to test.
- Note: You will receive a confirmation email labeled "Device Compatibility" order confirmation - My Account. This can be used to verify that you are receiving emails from our system.
Testing Roku or Apple TV devices
- Find directions to download the Eventive TV app by clicking on "Need Help?" above.
- Once installed, go to "My Content" in the app to access the Device Compatibility test video.
- Looking for our FAQ? Click on "Need Help?" above. On mobile, click the 3 bars, then "Help".
- This page is for testing your devices. The Unlock and Watch windows are independent of any screenings(s) you've unlocked.
- This page is NOT a confirmation of any previous unlocks/purchases you've made.
- You can visit your Content Library to verify current and previous unlocks (purchases) when logged into your account: https://watch.banffcentre.ca/me.
- DirectorVideo by Dorin Popa from Pixabay
- MusicShipping Lanes by Chad Crouch Copy link